These short instructions serve as your first guide to CollectionPro. The short version contains the most frequently used functions of...
This article contains a glossary of terms used in the CollectionPro system. The glossary is intended to facilitate the use...
The quick access panel allows you to create and access your own or shared collections & presentations. You can access...
Under “Lists” all object types can be found and depending on your permissions, vocabularies/thesauri can be managed here. The system...
This article describes the process of creating new records and uploading new files. Please note, that creating records is only...
This article describes the different ways of editing existing records. Please note, that editing records is only possible for users...
This article describes the workflow of how records can be deleted. Deleting records requires that the user has the necessary...
The search is opened from the main menu by pressing the “Display search view” button. This is also the default...
What are saved searches and lists? Search requests that have been saved by users and lists that were enabled for the...
Collections are like personal folders to collect records. They can be turned into presentations, shared with others and can be...