The quick access panel allows you to create and access your own or shared collections & presentations. You can access your saved searches and lists that were enabled for the quick access.

The quick access is available for every user with the system right “Access to collections only” or “Access to search”. To be able to create collections the user needs the system right “Manage own collections” and to be able to save search requests the system right “Saved Searches”.
The quick access is divided into “Collections” (which includes “My Collections” and “Shared Collections”) and “Searches” (which includes “Saved Searches” and lists that were enabled for the quick access).
Use the search to filter your collections, the collections that were shared with you and the saved searches. You can search for the name and description of the collection, for the name of the saved search and the lists that were enabled for the quick access (standard info only). You cannot search for the records in a collection. To return to the full list of collections, searches and lists empty the input field or click the reload button on the bottom.